Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Night Update - 17 August

It seems an age since I did one of these - but then it has been an age since I have done anything to make posting an entry worthwhile.

Much has happened in the past week modelling wise.  A parcel turned up from the Central Shop with bits to sort out my Class 24 (I had mucked up the order previously and gotten axles of two different sizes!) and to do some more work on the Quad Art - handily the roofs for same turned up on the same day.  There was also a pile of cattle wagon etches for a mate who has since decided that they are safer with me (he is moving back to SE Qld at the end of the year) and I have offered to make a start on them - an article in the offing for the 2mm Ed perhaps as I have thought about writing one early enough to take the appropriate photos along the way.  There was also some work done on my diorama along with a test of static grass which went sufficiently well to make me consider refreshing the entire grass area of St Alban's Priory.

No photos - flat battery for the DSLR got in the way but hopefully a fine day tomorrow (and no chores for a change!!!) will remedy that.


  1. Still awaiting photos please!?

  2. The Quad Art photos are on the next entry. I haven't uploaded the Diorama ones yet but hope to over the weekend.
