No photos this month – too busy!
The usual monthly meeting took place at your humble correspondent's shed last Saturday with 6 starters and one late comer in attendance. There wasn’t a theme to this month with everyone working on various projects.
Kicking off – I was working on my Atso-Cad designed N2 (which should be the subject of it’s own blog post hopefully next week, weather willing). I am still in a bit of a bind when it comes to the chassis for it – more of which anon.
Ken (a returning member – he had N some years ago then dallied with Suger Cane Trains and Trams but is now back) was building a Scalescenes Factory/Warehouse (T026). He has actually combined two kits to get the size he is wanting but was commenting on the number of windows he had to cut out! This prompted a discussion on obtaining the windows themselves (OHTs are pretty old school now with data projectors so sources are drying up) and how they could be made to be different colours (currently they coming in any colour you like, so long as you like black).
Anthony made a start on something a little different – a rolling stock kit. He has obtained a couple of the Etched Pixels LMS Fish-X kits to go on the N Gauge Society Stove R chassis. Compared with the 2mm Scale Association ones, these are a doddle to build and hopefully we will see them close to completion next month.
David had managed this month to bring along the various parts to the 2mm SA quartering jig but still failed to achieve success owing to bending a couple of things which he didn’t have replacements for. However, he was able to make a start on his Shapeways GWR Cattle Wagons with a view to painting them at our next meeting.
Barbara and Don continued working on their collection on wagon kits with some progress being made on their NGS kits which I had made examples of last month.
Ben, coming late (but in time for a feed…) didn’t actually get anything done but fortunately did bring with him his ultrasonic cleaner which will make the sorting of chassis for Cattle Wagons, bodies for Cattle Wagons and assorted other kits which I hope to do in the next few weeks a bit easier.
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