As one of my former Heads of Department was wont of saying when time got away from her, day late, dollar short. So it is with this report on our Monthly Meeting.
Once again we were on the road for this months get together with the hoard descending on Graeme’s house. As it happened, we had almost a complete attendance with only Anthony (stuck in Sydney – at least his digs have great views) missing in action.
Ken brought along his wharf again – this time with the controller. He has fitted his stock with DGs so a healthy discussion ensured about how well they travel (not as well as we thought it turns out!) as there is some debate about moving over to this style from a number of us. As Graeme uses DGs on his layout, there was plenty of experience to put ideas forward for the enlightenment of those interested.
Wharf shunting puzzle. Get the 16t minerals to be in the same order as the cards. Takes a lot more thought than you’d think at first glance, as the head shunts aren’t that long!
Ben kept working on his Victorian Railways coaches – up to transfers. A kit with transfers available. Can’t be. The coaches are coming along nicely and he may have to consider a layout for them in due course.
I built a chassis for a Tar Wagon – which I was supposed to have done on Thursday night (spent it doing stuff for uncoupling on Sturminister Newton – hence the discussion of DGs) and I was also supposed to take progress photos for an article and advice page for the lads in the UK. Managed to take zero photos but have 6 more to do – and Ben offered to let me build his pair if I needed to do more for the photos! Nice of him.
David speculated about the use of a Dukedog on his embryonic GWR 2mm layout. This speculation was moved along by the news that he could get one, with 2mm wheels in it, painted etc. from eBay. Apparently we could have a new toy at our May meeting. Ben had opted for an N wheeled Midland 0-4-4t. I am watching with interest.
Graeme had his layout “Thornbury” up and running and has even started on his Archive Box Diorama. Not only has he picked a spot, he has built boards. Currently heads the leader board as I think everyone else has only really thought about it, although Ben has started assembling models to place on his.
Photos of “Thornbury” below:
Full length of the layout. I forgot to ask Graeme how long it is, but the Royal Scot and three in the platform is about as long a train as will fit on the sliding traverser at the far end. If it is longer than 8 feet I’d be surprised.
Thornbury has similar buildings to the S&C – same designer apparently. This means the Metcalf offerings are perfect position holders until the more accurate ones are built.
The Engine Shed won Graeme a couple of trophies in modelling competitions in years past. You can’t see it, but it has the full interior treatment, including all the roof trussing. I know it’s there, as I have seen it so take my word for it.
Despite the narrow board Graeme has managed to get the “train in the landscape” feel. He did comment that he felt it was too sleepy but given the branch was a 7 mile “one engine in steam” (yet we had 4 at the terminus on Saturday!!) affair I reckon sleepy is spot on – and he has got it so, so right.
Whilst built to N gauge (i.e. 9mm) all the track is hand made in 60’ lengths using components from the 2mm Scale Association. The only real give away is the flange ways on the points (which I noticed I didn’t photograph) and the lack of replacement wheels on the stock.
ReplyDeleteThe tank wagon kits arrived safely this week via Mr Dunkeyson (must remember to send him a cheque for the postage) - will get some pictures on the Pennine blog in due course. Thanks again for facilitating.
Thornbury looks a delight and wouldn't have spotted it was N rather than 2mm.
David V.
Glad to hear it David. I'll look forward to seeing how yours turn out.
DeleteThe photos look really great and the layout is very attractive. Is the goods shed a Metcalfe or other model kit. I am interested in the mention of the DG coupling. Positive or negative. Are you happy with them or not. I seem to remember I have more than 100 so am interested in the verdict. Returning to Brisbane on 2 Apr!!!
ReplyDeleteI too got a wagon kit through from Mr D. so thank you very much Kevin. The printed body does look really good and nicely detailed so I am looking forward to putting it together. The chassis is an interesting concept too. What is needed in the way of axleboxes and springs for it?
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
Julia :o)
Glad your surprise turned up! Photos and whatnot taken so planning on writing short version for email, slightly longer for blog and one for the Magazine in due course. Short one by the end of the week if I'm lucky.