Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Night Update - 24 May 2013

It has been an age since I did one of these - and it hasn't been for a lack of actual modelling.  Rather it has been a lack of photos and a lack of motivation to turn on the computer and do something.  Now that I have organsied a laptop to take to the Man Cave (aka Train Shed) it should be a bit easier.

To kick things off, there is this photo of a pair of LMS Cattle wagons I built for a mate earlier in the year - how early?  Well he has been over in the USA for the best part of three months now and I got them done for him before he went...  They are the 2mm Scale Association etches running on N gauge wheel sets.  Painted with Precision LMS grey and finished with transfers from the N Gauge Society - although I seem to remember using some Ben had had printed here in Aus for the right hand wagon.  As keen observers will note (and now all readers will be keen observers!) there are some subtle differences between the two.  No couplings - Ben had to put these on himself and, I notice looking at the photo, the roof wasn't on square on the left hand one.   These are really easy etches to put together - I'll be doing some more at the Toowoomba Train Show on the first weekend of June so if you are visiting the Garden City and go to the show stop by and say hello.

Second item:  my first ever working locomotive chassis.  This was built from the 2mm SA replacement etch for the Farish 03/04 diesel.  Again, a really easy kit to put together.  The observant and knowledgeable will notice a few things odd about what I have done.  This is because it is going under a modified body which has had the Etched Pixels (or is it now Ultima?  Either will do!) skirts added to make it appropriate for the Wisbech and Upwell Tramway.  Hence no need for quartering of the wheels and, to save a few quid, the use of the solid tender wheels instead of the as required spoked ones.  I am going to get a second drive muff and gear so I can have two powered axles.  As it is, it runs very nicely in the test cradle but not especially well on the track so I have to do something about securing the motor better in the body.  In any case, it is the first so teething issues are to be expected.

Finally, for tonight at least, the most recent wagon I have been working on.  The LMS liveried Chivers Kit of the Double Bolster. 

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